I wanted to take something ordinary and make it Extraordinary! Isn't it funny though how that word is just Extra Ordinary put together? Anyway, I wanted to make it better than that! I was reading in the
Right Brain Business Plan about creating Values Cards and I remember I had these tiny little cards that I never play with or do anything with. I got the ideas for the Values from the book
Working for Good. Between the two I think I came up with a really unique idea and something creative as well!
So I thought maybe I could cover them and make my values cards out of them. Then I thought if I punched a hole in them and got some key rings to put it on that might make it even cuter and more special! So that is just what I did! I mod podged the covers onto the cards. I cut out the sayings and was trying to glue them down and a friend was texting me and teasing me about mod podge. I wasn't going to use mod podge but it wasn't working gluing the strips down so in the end I used mod podge after all. I guess
Mod Podge does rock! :)
These are a list of the values I believe in and cherish for Heroes for the Homeless. I came to these by going through the “
Right Brain Business Plan” and also the book “
Working for Good”. I decided to do 30 for 30 because there usually 30 days in a month. I added a 31
st which is my final reminder to remember to keep leaping. I think when we stop leaping and we get afraid. I put these on a key ring and carry them with me so I remember to always look at them and least one every single day!
- Respect Others
- Treat everyone Fairly
- Treat everyone as people
- Build Trust
- Build Relationships
- Outshine Competitors
- Outperform competitors
- Cultivate a Happy Environment
- Respond skillfully to difficult & challenging people
- Be open to opportunity
- Make a significant difference
- Have a deeper loyalty with others
- Have passion & purpose
- Success is more than a financial return on an investment
- Promote well being in others
- To have importance & meaning in everything we do
- Regard every person highly
- To ensure we benefit the people as a whole
- Commitment to our purpose
- Have strength and originality in who we are
- Be overly generous
- Be considerate to everyone
- Be kind one to another
- Always remain classy in all our endeavors
- Raise confidence in others to move forward in life
- Believe in others, but mostly always believe in yourself
- Achieve our goals while making new ones
- Love one another
- Be beautiful on the inside and out
- Be a constructive member of society
My Added Bonus 31.
Don’t be afraid to leap!