Friday, June 17, 2011

Summer of Color-The Greenness of Life

This week our color of inspiration was GREEN! I of course, snapped up some pics and did a little Art Project, but I decided to do something a bit out of the box and  MAKE A MOVIE!!

Yep! It's called The Green Movie! I know, not so Original but the originality was not in the title, oh creative ones. The Originality is in the Making of the Movie and editing it and clipping and adding transitions and getting everything to look just right. Beginning with knowing what clips to take and how to showcase the beauty of green!

Before I show you the movie I want to show you a couple of pics of me in my Greenness that I wore for inspiration this week! I even donned my Green Glasses, Green Hat, Green Earrings, Green shirts and I even wore Green Undies (but I won't show that here lol), I wore Green Eyeshadow, Green Scarf, and used my Green Purse!

I also did a little Green Art Project and since I was doing things Out of the Ordinary here I decided to do a Bracelet...ok I did too and if you comment on this Blog I will draw a Lucky Winner to receive one of them! YES! You could win one of my Bracelets!! All you have to do is Comment below and I will draw you names next Sunday June 26th so that gives you all plenty of time to comment!! I have never done a drawing before and I don't have a fancy generator so I will be drawing your names out of a bowl! I recently won something from a Blog and it was so fun, that I wanted to do the same for someone else!!

And now for the movie....Sit back relax and listen to the sounds of Greenness of Nature...then comment below for a chance to win!!


  1. This was a fantastic way to showcase the color green! I love the shots of the swing! The framing is so cool for that -- definitely my favorite part. You did a great job! My piece is farm-inspired, too! I'll be posting it as soon as my camera is charged.

  2. Awesome! Can't wait to see it!

  3. Fun stuff Trisha!!! Green is one of my favorite colors!!!

  4. Loved your take on green. The movie and bvracelets are wonderful. I think dressing up may make me feel more inspired too! :) Nan

  5. Tons of pretty green in your movie and your bracelets are lovely!

  6. The swing was really cool - can I have a go?

  7. What a wonderful place to grow up. I love the shots of you swinging!! Thank you for sharing green in such a creative way!

  8. Fabulous works of green and so cool

  9. i love green and your post is wonderful....i love your beaded twists and your green clothes..i love to wear green too, tho need to buy more!!!!xxx

  10. I watched your movie last night but had to come back to comment as my 'puter was acting up. A fabulously creative post!!!
    Jessi xox

  11. Forgive me if you get this twice - something happened as I was commenting. I just LOVE the creativity of this post - from a Movie (!) to green shadows and clothing - and a beautiful bracelet - really, really wonderful. Thanks for your beautiful participation, xo

  12. Wonderful green items...that purse is fantastic. I want one!;)

    Beautiful peaceful and soothing. Thank you for your creativity, Trisha:)

  13. love your versatility - the movie is such fun

  14. Brilliant...what a clever creative :D

  15. Thanks for letting me come visit.... It's winter here and I feel like I've just had a mini summer holiday. Love the beads too.

  16. You had me from the start - the swaying grasses and I swear I could hear birds in the background!
