Saturday, July 2, 2011

Fun "In the Sun"-Week 3

11 - Take A Vacation!
12 - Stay Cool
13 - Summer Wishlist
14 - Triple Dog Dare (Not done yet because she said I must have pictures)
15 - I just HAVE to...

These are the ones for week three and I must say I had to really think hard about some of these...

Just Have To and Stay Cool

Just Have To
 Just Have to have ice cream, eat watermelon, eat sweet treats like cakes, etc, go on a Weekend Getaway, lather in the sun and get sun kissed

Stay Cool
 I also Just Have to Stay Cool and have a BBQ, make smores, and splish ans splash in a body of water somewhere!

Now for the Vacation piece I must share the song that I kept thinking about... Vacation by the Go Go's. It wouldn't let me embed it but you can click on the link Click Here


 For my Vacation's I love to go to a Beach or be by a body of water that even has a Fake Beach. I am originally from California and I love the Beach and living in Iowa right now suck in the summer because we don't have a REAL beach but at least there are a few lakes with some Fake Beaches!

I also really love to go on a Road Trip which is funny cuz Natalie just gave that to us as a Prompt but I already used this sticker and put it in this one so I guess I will just have to be creative for the Road Trip one...oh darn :)
Summer Wish List
 I was inspired by TWO blogs to do a Summer Wish List and I decided to do that this way instead of in my Art Journal book for In the Sun. If you want to read more about this and the blog Pink and Green Mama Blog go here to check it out Click Here

As I said above I don't have my Triple Dog Dare yet and will have to add that later. It will be a surprise because it is something I always wanted to do but haven't yet and I am going to take a class for it but they can't get me in yet. Once I do then I will snap up some shots of me and make my page!

Thanks so much for this class. It is so much fun and I am really enjoying myself! :)

1 comment:

  1. These pages are fab! So colorful and summery. It's a drag you have to go to a fake beach now but hey, better than no beach at all! I'm from So. Cal too. And triple dog dare? This sounds exciting. Keep us posted!
    Jessi xox
