Monday, November 21, 2011

CED-AEDM-Toilet Paper Turkeys

When looking for ideas for what to do with the toilet paper rolls after I did my owls I found this kewl idea to do TP Turkeys. I thought, well, heck yeah it IS going to be Thanksgiving and all!

So here is my version of the Toilet Paper Turkeys...

I used my scrapbook paper and a template Justin helped me create for the wings


Turkeys were born!
Tony Turkey
Tommy Turkey
Timmy Turkey
Turret's Turkey

Justin helped me make Feet, beaks and waddle
The Turkey Family

I am really have fun making Toilet Paper turkeys as well as I enjoyed the Toilet Paper Owls...what will Trisha (not Trisha Turkey create out of Toilet Paper Rolls next???

Not even Trisha knows....(muwahahaha!)


  1. lol! My grandmother used to crochet around toilet paper rolls and slip a little vase in them with some flowers. Mom said if you stood still long enough she was libel to crochet around US! I love these. They are colorful and fun. Happy gobble gobble!

  2. really fun and cute project - I'm always saving those toilet paper rolls for something... :)

  3. Those are adorable! What a clever way to play with toilet paper rolls!!

  4. Really like how all the patterns work together on the tail! What a fun decoration for Turkey Day!

  5. They are cute! I remember the days when my son was little and we made all kinds of crafty things and did fun art things. What will you make next?! :):)

  6. very cute... we don't have thanksgiving in Australia but these are so cute.... hoping they might translate for Christmas xx

  7. The cardboard tubes have endless possibilities. These are really fun and colourful.
