Sunday, October 2, 2011

CED-Day One-My First Digital Owl

Create Every Day Day One-My First Digital Owl

I did some homework on how people are drawing owls all sorts of ways. I did a few thumbnail type sketches and drew a few of them to get an idea of what I liked or thought was cute. Then I went into a few of my online tools to swee what I had to work with, since I don't have Adobe anymore (long story for another day) I tried to use Gimp but I couldn't get it to work the way I wanted this time. So I opened up Paint and thought I would give it a go. I looked at a couple of examples but then did it freely on my own. I have Graphic Design friends and I did go to Brooks College for Graphic Design so I do know some things about the digital tools. I have wantched friends do creative things with the tools so I tried a few of those out.

I drew the circle, then uses the bending lines to tweak the wings. I did the eyes in multiples of circles and remembered watching how the sparkle in eyes were done. I saw a few owls colored different colors so I added this as well. Then I did like a few arms I saw that were hearts but they were turned sideways and I couldn't figure out how to rotate my owl's arms, so I left it. Then I added the circles to teh wings while I was still on the circle tool. I used the fill tool to fill the rest in but it was WAAY over pixelated so I zoomed in and used the eyedropper tool and the brush tool to go over the areas slowly. On a couple I went too fast and had to go back and redo it but as it worked out I think it looks ok. It isn't GREAT but honeslty I feel,

"Hmm, not bad for my first digital owl!"

First Owl done in Paint
So what do you think?
Are you doing CED? What did you do for your first Autumn Day?


  1. I think it's very good for your first digital owl!

    Nice work.

  2. Thanks. I think I will work on some little owls today to put in some Whimsical Art Trees I am working on.

  3. Not bad AT ALL! Your owl looks great!
