Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Create Every Day-Final Days

In this challenge to Create Every Day that I did for the month of October I started realizing exactly WHAT creativity can mean to each person.

Creativity doesn't mean just drawing, or coloring, or collaging or something obviously artistic. Creativity is about recognizing all areas in where you can be creative.

For this final week I am still working on my final Halloween Drawing which I am in the process of inking right now.

Pencils of Trisha's 1st Halloween Drawing

I finally bought the distressing ink I needed to finish my little "Live for the Moment" book I did earlier this month. I messed up the first time because my brain didn't think to do a test page first, because I thought I already knew what to do even though no one ever taught me how to distress a page, and because I just think I can do things sometimes, don't you? Well, I do anyway.

The "Distressed" look on all the pages front and back
I did a fun new project I saw in a book for creating a To Do list to make your To Do's  a little more fun. I already do because of Fly Lady and instead of To Do's I have a Parade of Daily Adventures or PODA's, but having a nice book to make things more fun is well...more fun.

But then as I said there are other ways of being creative we often don't think about.

I took the time this month to see Autumn in a new way as well as see Creativity in a new way.

I took pictures with my phone and camera, I doodled when in boring meetings (which we all now happens), and I even colored my hair Red to be Daphne from Scooby Doo for a Halloween Party.

This week I baked Animal Themed cupcakes for a friends birthday...

and later this week I am making Mock CheesCake and Halloween Cookies for work....all of which are very creative.

I still plan to post CED about my Halloween drawing and cookies etc... and I have one other project I am not done with yet, but for now...I wanted to say...

Don't let the word "Creativity" or "Creative" stifle you. 
Allow yourself to explore it. 
It's amazing what we can be creative about!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post! Since my productivity is limited I have learned to think of creativity differently than I used to. On a bad day if I can even think creatively that is still being creative. Even if my body isn't up to anything else, I plan.

    Creative expression probably has millions of forms. I often use writing in my journal or in a letter as my creativity for the day...or reading something that really makes me think in new ways.

    All these things you did were creative! Including the red hair and cupcakes!! :):) Great post!
